
A sustainable network
The topic of sustainability has always been anchored in our corporate philosophy. Our entire way of working is orientated towards building stable and therefore sustainable relationships with our customers, suppliers and service providers. In this way, we want to create a lasting network from which everyone involved can benefit.
We came to stay
Even within the company, sustainability is not just a buzzword for us. In our opinion, a company can only be successful in the long term if it embodies the right values. We build on long-term employment relationships, good framework conditions, mutual appreciation and respectful cooperation. Our employees should feel comfortable in our team and we are very happy that we have succeeded so well so far.
Carbon foodprint
To calculate our carbon footprint, we use the CO2 calculator from KlimAktiv, which is tailored to our needs.
Since 2020, we have been calculating the greenhouse gas emissions at the company site as well as the emissions caused by employees commuting to our office, business trips, paper consumption, new IT equipment and waste. As a result, we caused 35 t CO2e (2020) and 40 t CO2e (2021). The increase in 2021 is mostly due to an increased number of employees.
In 2021 we expanded our perspective and included the upstream logistics in the calculation. In our case, that means: transport of goods and deep-freeze storage. We worked together with the sustainability consultancy Soil & More Impacts to precisely calculate the emissions with the result that a total of 445 t CO2e were caused in the upstream logistics (2021).
The company’s own photovoltaic systems also have an impact. The emissions from green electricity generation amounted to 15 t CO2e in 2021. Unfortunately, we had not yet taken into account the emissions generated at this point in 2020.
All in all, mb-Vermarktung is responsible for emitting 500 t CO2e into the atmosphere in 2021.
You‘re most welcome to download the full carbon footprint here (only available in German).

CO2 compensation
We fully offset our total emissions of 500 t CO2e from 2021 by supporting a Gold Standard-certified climate protection project (unit retirement notification). We chose a biogas project in Vietnam. This project helps to combat climate change effectively and at the same time enables communities in rural Vietnam to access clean energy through the construction of biogas plants. More information about this project is available here.
Ongoing measures to promote sustainability
With the company’s own photovoltaic systems, an average of 290 MWh of green electricity is generated per year and fed into the power grid. The systems are not located directly at the company site, but our office has also been operated with 100% green electricity since 2021.
For years we have been supporting our employees financially if they buy a pedelec and want to use it to get to work in the future. This is not only good for the environment, but also for health. In addition, all colleagues work from home on a regular basis and according to their own needs, which helps us to reduce long journeys.
We only undertake business trips when absolutely necessary. We keep most of our appointments via telephone or video conferences. When it comes to office equipment, we ensure that the procurement is as sustainable as possible and that consumables are disposed of and recycled properly.
Digitalization is also an issue for us and so we are working intensively on redesigning our work processes with the help of modern software. Not only to save paper and toner, but also to be able to work even more efficiently and customer-friendly.