Our expertise
Organic meat is not always the same.
Not all producers are fitting to every client: there are indeed differences between “small” and “big“. The supplier market is fragmented with discrepancies between the animal husbandry associations and the EU organic guidelines.
The diverse mentalities and legal circumstances of the different European Countries often create seemingly insurmountable challenges. There are often transport problems due to small quantities – especially in the 3 °C range.
All these factors constitute great challenges which are continuously present in the organic market.
Our task is to solve them!
Best possible matching of supply and demand
A very broad overview on the European raw material availability,
Personal knowledge of most European market participants, including the supplier and the customer side,
Transparency and security through clear processes: quality, origin documents, certificates, cold chain etc.,
Comprehensive specialised knowledge of the content of organic guidelines to proof upstream suppliers and customer requests,
Consulting competences: how trustable are suppliers, how promising are planned customer projects?
Own producer audits of farmers and slaughterhouses,
From raw material to end product: knowledge of recipes and production processes,
Matching the type of raw material and the supplier to the producer’s market intentions
Matching the type of raw material and the supplier to the producer and his production conditions,
Organisation and delivery of semi-finished and finished products,
Reliable logistics partners, e.g. reliable transport even in the delicate 0°-3° C temperature range,
Very good connection with the organic associations.